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The other side of San Diego - and other islands | 2 comments
[new] snowball effect? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by amyalexander on Sun Apr 27th, 2003 at 09:45:07 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Although I usually have the impression that alternative media are aware of mainstream media, the reverse doesn't often appear to be true. If that is the case, is the psychological reassurance that there are "unwashed masses of dissenters out on the street" sufficient, or does that just lead to the formation of different "camps"?
I think it is psychologically important, because it legitmizes and thus encourages more people to have the chutzpah to admit to being dissenters. Then the snowball effect can occur, and dissenters can be seen as a market force, which is how mainstream culture changes.

Today's San Diego Union-Tribune front page story practically knocked me over. It's a critique of government's increased tendency toward closed courtrooms, with a very specific and opinionated explanation of why government secrecy is bad. There is no way they would have printed that in the post 9/11 patriotism frenzy, nor during the pre-and-during-Iraq-invasion 'support our troops: support our govt.' frenzy. So some things have changed - obviously, local readers aren't shipping off to fight overseas by the tankload this week. But also, is it because people who don't trust the government have been a visible and vocal local constituency (=demographic) recently?

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The other side of San Diego - and other islands | 2 comments


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