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Sleep-Out | 4 comments
[new] Blowing a fuse (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#4)
by Aileen on Tue May 6th, 2003 at 02:34:37 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Although phrases like "embodied knowledge" and "situated knowledge" strongly appeal to me, is "impassioned knowledge" a topic for discussion anywhere? As a young theologian I became impatient and then increasingly angry with what I perceived as a refusal to engage with critical ideas at any kind of personal or emotional level - with the understanding that the way I think affects the way I live and vice versa.
So I threw it all away and left. I turned in all my papers and withdrew from the university (just before finishing my masters degree), resigned my job as a religion teacher (a number of people were more than happy to accept my resignation, but a few tried to persuade me to stay), and packed my things and left the little room, where I had felt safe. It is what Mary Daly described as the "leap into nothingness", and it is not an experience I would highly recommend, but it was what I needed to do (the term I prefer now is "post-christian"). From that point on, I have ended up with a non-linear biography with too many inexplicable gaps - inexplicable at least in a public forum or a short biography. Sometimes that is frustrating, sometimes it allows for other interesting connections.

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Sleep-Out | 4 comments


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