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How would you call a baby blog? | 7 comments
[new] community buil (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#3)
by jyaabel on Sat Jun 21st, 2003 at 08:33:57 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

building a community isn't a dream.

the text nature of its language however means that we cannot pull far back before the patterns become a grey strip. it can't see itself.

text is developed as a symbol for use in a gravitational place. stilted.

this net is more dimensional and shifting.

for a community to see itself, the hive mind become conscious? to alleviate its own anxiety of what it is, would it be helpful if it communicated with blocks more suited to scaling, movement, sound. the stuff of electricity.

shorter sentences perhaps? little bits enabling deviation in many directions.

perhaps BEADGEE is a step in this direction. a language of objects. the multilingual reading of form.

maybe a necessary network tool for growing communities is a wordless play area. a performance space.

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How would you call a baby blog? | 7 comments


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