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What America thinks of the world | 13 comments
[new] i am curious (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#7)
by amy on Sat Jun 21st, 2003 at 11:10:48 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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i am curious what you mean, aileen, by "what is happening there now still bothers me". which things bother you? the attitudes of people as presented in media soundbytes? the real attitudes of americans, who you've encountered first hand or through non-mediated sources? the behavior of the federal government?

i live in the US, and i'm bothered by all 3. why i'm bothered by the govt's actions should be fairly obvious. i'm also bothered by a lot of the attitudes of people around me who are sucked in by the soundbytes and have become increasingly jingoistic, complacently supporting the government. BUT... that's not everybody, and there's far more complexity to the situation than media tend to report.

it's frustrating to me to see how simplistically "america" is presented in the media, and even more frustrating when i visit other countries and find that to a large extent, people believe the simplistic image. i don't have TV, but what glimpses i saw of CNN over the past year always seemed to indicate that "americans support the war - people in other countries protest it." gee, seems there were quite some protests in the US too - where were they on CNN's radar screen? but visiting other countries, i've found that often i'm asked why "americans" didn't protest the war. answer - they did. but there's a president who's stated openly the administration doesn't care about opposition. and why should they? they were elected even though a majority of voters opposed them. opposition is irrelevant when you own both the ball and the playing field.

as a schoolchild, they constantly reminded us that everybody except native americans (aka american indians) are immigrants/foreigners to the US. clearly, a lot of people have forgotten about this, and they're very vocal, and they're the ones most represented in the media. but what about the rest of us?

# begin amy's sig
-- Discordia is nice.
# end amy's sig

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What America thinks of the world | 13 comments


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