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What America thinks of the world | 13 comments
[new] What bothers me (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#8)
by Aileen on Sun Jun 22nd, 2003 at 11:38:08 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

At a purely trivial and personal level, it bothers me that some of the people I love live in the US and are constrained by the circumstances of their lives - my beloved nephews, for example, who are growing up under significantly more stressful conditions than my children in Austria, or my sister, a passionately dedicated educator, whose work is continuously made harder through constantly new regulations and demands and budget cuts, all at the same time (this is happening in Austria now too, but not - yet - to such an extreme degree).
It also bothers me that there seems to be a widespread sense of looming disaster here, as more and more people seem to think that the US as an overly powerful entity is on the verge of collapse: I frequently end up in conversations with total strangers in shops, on the streetcar, in cafes, because they hear me speaking English with my children and ask why, since we obviously all speak German, too. Although this is clearly not a "scientific survey", it is noticeable that now more people tell me about their fears that the US could collapse and take the rest of the world with it - even though I actually spend less time in public with my children than I did a few years ago when they were younger.
Between what I hear from my family and what I gather from various media, I often feel especially susceptible to this foreboding. Do you feel more optimistic?

[ Parent ]

What America thinks of the world | 13 comments


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