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software art in verbose mode | 12 comments
[new] I don't! (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#4)
by amyalexander on Thu May 8th, 2003 at 04:59:29 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Why do you try to draw these lins in the sand between net art and software art and net dot art and net art?

I don't! Please reread my comment. I said there is a lot of overlap, but not everything that is software art is net art for example - obviously, if something doesn't use the net, there's no point in calling it net art.

Another thing to think about is that groups have their own cultures. Not everyone doing related work will agree with the approach of a specific culture. I have made net art, but I don't like having it referred to as net-dot-art ... I don't feel part of that net-dot-art culture/death/etc. and I don't like having my work viewed through that lens; I want it viewed on its own terms. Many of us in the US were working on the net at the same time as the net-dot-artists were working in Europe but were not really aware of them. So to imply that we came out of their tradition would be misleading. And I've noticed this does in fact mislead people. Many people believe that all "net art" was started in Europe by the net-dot-artists, and the rest of us all came later. But it isn't true. We were making and presenting projects publicly online and in festivals; we just weren't aware of the mailing list culture in which the folks in Europe were publicly creating a focused movement around what they were doing (and most of us weren't all that interested in focused movements anyway... )

Also, many programmers make software art outside of an arts context - and also would probably would be bewildered to find themselves labeled as somehow followers of Vuk Cosic et al. :-)

On the other hand, net-dot-art is clearly a subset of net art (a generic term for any art taking place on the net.)

That's why some taxonomy is useful. But clearly there are no lines in the sand. Many of my own projects are considered both net art and software art.

[ Parent ]

  • i thought i did! by petertraub, 05/09/2003 03:28:11 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME (none / 0)
    • dots by amy, 05/15/2003 09:53:08 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME (none / 0)

software art in verbose mode | 12 comments


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