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How would you call a baby blog? | 7 comments
[new] using the term community (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#7)
by Aileen on Sun Jun 22nd, 2003 at 10:13:36 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Trebor, I think you may be misinterpreting what I meant. Tamar asked about our experience with Discordia and building a means for community. Since we are obviously using the term and it clearly plays an important role, I was thinking about the many long discussions we have had over the past one and a half years - both explicitly about "community" and sometimes just using this term for lack of a better one. That is why the question startled me, but I admit I didn't take the time to go back through hundreds of messages again to try to distill some kind of consensus.
Tamar, to try to find some kind of relevant response to your question, while all of us have had various ideas about the people and groups that we could imagine using Discordia, I think the main issue has been the recognition that it is not possible for an individual to cope with the mass of information that is available, so one strategy could be to join together with other people to try to cope collectively - hence "Collaborative Filtering and Community Moderating". The difficult part is trying to imagine a structure to facilitate that, which is the whole point of this experiment.
And I like the way you describe it as magic.

[ Parent ]


How would you call a baby blog? | 7 comments


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