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[- Social Software & Senior Citizens
By SophiaRawlinson, Section guest host history
Posted on Mon Oct 27th, 2003 at 01:14:04 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
As part of my MA dissertation, I discussed what I thought social software was, and attempted to create a prototype new media scheme for senior citizens.

(10 comments, 168 words in story) Full Story

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[- Pull me, push you
By amy, Section discordia home improvement
Posted on Sun Oct 26th, 2003 at 12:52:28 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Just a note about recent additions to the Discordia Distribution options. In addition to the website here (the only way you can actually post to Discordia), there's also a couple of accomanying push media:

* Discordia Digest - emails you new stories (daily, weekly or monthly). Log in to your user account, and then click "User Prefs/Change passwd" in the box on the right. There will be a box on the page where you can subscribe.

* Feed me Discordia - Discordia RSS feed.
For those of you who like to keep track of things in an RSS news aggregator.

And the following new pull media option, for push-averse folks like me:
* Discordia Bytes for WAP-enabled phones. ...

(183 words in story) Full Story

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[- cyberfeminism, feminism, gender
By Aileen, Section Filter It Yourself!
Posted on Fri Oct 24th, 2003 at 02:09:19 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Filtered through having been a feminist for a long time

Thanks, Ryan, for posting your review of Domain Errors! here. Reading it reinforced my certainty that I want this book, if it needed any reinforcing, I just keep forgetting to order it. I know my own reasons for wanting to read it, but now I am curious about your motivation. Would you mind commenting on that?

(6 comments, 311 words in story) Full Story

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[- Light of Falling Cars
By TreborScholz, Section review-a-rama
Posted on Wed Oct 22nd, 2003 at 11:50:37 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
In mid-October, the electronic musician and media artist Steven Vitiello, currently in residency at
Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center presented his work at the Department of Media Study, SUNY at Buffalo.

(656 words in story) Full Story

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[- Art vs Resistance
By joerabie, Section whatever...
Posted on Sun Oct 19th, 2003 at 09:54:37 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
This continues the discussion started in the guest host "Agitprop" discussion.

An important thread developed concerning the nature of resistance in art. When does an artwork (or statement, or Tactical Media action) surpass its own meaning to become an act of resistance? I suppose, when it draws a hostile response from those being targeted, when it deals with aspects of society that have been confiscated by corporations or political rule.

(4 comments, 354 words in story) Full Story

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[- Critical Curating
By StellaRollig, Section guest host history
Posted on Sun Oct 19th, 2003 at 01:51:03 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Hosting Curating Degree Zero Archive right now at O.K Center for Contemporary Art in Linz, I found myself reflecting on the term "Critical Curating". It is used by Dorothee Richter and Barnaby Drabble, the organizers of CDZA, to describe the focus of their project.
Striving for a "critical" practice, I believe in Walter Benjamin's sentence that the question is not how you relate to the conditions ("Produktionsverhaeltnisse") but how you act within them. [...]

[editor's note, by Aileen] For an introduction to Stella's topic of critical curating, read about the project Curating Degree Zero Archive. Curating Degree Zero Archive is a touring exhibition, archive and web resource exploring the field of critical curating:

(12 comments, 302 words in story) Full Story

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[- Communal histories - fact or friction?
By amy, Section editors' corner
Posted on Sat Oct 18th, 2003 at 05:53:38 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Despite being one of the Discordia Developers, I have a mildy-infamous dislike of online discussion forums. Well, perhaps "despite" isn't the right word - my feelings as a type-B "pull" personality facing the type-A "push" world of contemporary list culture led me to lower-impact discussion settings like community weblogs.

But, what happens when online communities are used not for discussion, but for the writing of "history?" Can "everybody" write the history of the Apple Computer? What about the history of Internet art?

(4 comments, 239 words in story) Full Story

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[- Voices from Jenin
By AnaValdes, Section whatever...
Posted on Wed Oct 15th, 2003 at 04:41:42 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Hi, I was in Jenin last year and saw with my own eyes the mayhem and the destruction of the city. I assume its very similar to what happens in Rafah today, in the Gaza Stripe.

(1 comment, 1170 words in story) Full Story

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