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[- Agitprop as tactical media
By joerabie, Section guest host history
Posted on Sun Oct 12th, 2003 at 12:36:03 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
The subject for the coming week is Agitprop, which is the design and delivery of subversive messages. Internet is an ideal medium for Agitprop, as it allows us to bypass establishment media to reach people, affordably, and in total independence. Moreover, the unique possibilities offered by interactive media allow one to develop new paradigms of expression...

[editor's note, by amy]: Discordia welcomes Joe Rabie as our first in a series of guest hosts who will lead a discussion in the guest host's corner on an area of their interest.

(10 comments, 248 words in story) Full Story

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[- FLASH PRESENTATION: The Scared Four Directions
By Graham Thompson, Section whatever...
Posted on Sat Oct 11th, 2003 at 02:01:03 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Graham Thompson, new media artist, explores the meaning of the Four Directions as taught by the Algonkian people of North America.

(1 comment, 111 words in story) Full Story

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[- Discordia is looking for editors
By Aileen, Section editors' corner
Posted on Thu Oct 9th, 2003 at 09:29:45 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Discordia is interested in expanding its circle of editors: Editors are people who make connections between ideas, notice interesting topics and post them or invite others to post. Editors make use of the "Nepotism" feature of Discordia to influence the direction of discussions, while the "Democracy" feature ensures openness in all directions.
If you are interested in helping to shape the content and direction of Discordia, please contact us

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[- Addicted to sending text messages?
By TreborScholz, Section whatever...
Posted on Wed Oct 8th, 2003 at 10:59:17 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Herald Sun (oct 7, 2003)- -

"A BRITISH rehabilitation clinic to the rich and famous is treating patients addicted to sending text messages.
The Priory, an upmarket South West London clinic is best known for helping showbiz identities dry out from drugs or alcohol. But a rising number of its patients are seeking help because they can't keep their hands off their mobile telephones."
read this here

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[- Brother Librarians
By Aileen, Section review-a-rama
Posted on Tue Oct 7th, 2003 at 08:18:19 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
As part of the lecture series "Artvertising" at the O.K Center in Linz, yesterday evening Ecke Bonk talked about his work Book of Words. Random Reading that was shown at Documenta11. What was most amazing was the portrait he painted of Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, who had been librarians together at Museum Fridericianum in Kassel, where the work was shown. Ecke Bonk mentioned that it was suggested to him that instead of a "random reading" of the Deutsches Wörterbuch, it should be interactive, allowing people to type in a word, for which the entry in the Grimm brothers' dictionary would then be displayed.

(1 comment, 431 words in story) Full Story

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[- abuse your illusions
By amy, Section Filter It Yourself!
Posted on Mon Oct 6th, 2003 at 07:11:44 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Filtered through a tendency to be a conspiracy theorist, but also a conflicting (in this case) tendency to distrust polls and statistics.
I think I'm having a filter crash.

Anyway, take the abuse your illusions quiz at disinfo.

Or is it all an illusion?

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[- Introducing: New Blog Monitoring Tool
By MichaCudrna, Section whatever...
Posted on Sat Oct 4th, 2003 at 09:56:23 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
I'am aware of the fact that a lot of local Discordians are already fed up with meta-blogging breaking news and musings, so this will be the only from me (i'm not that much into blog-o-mania anyway). Just makes me wonder how much work and time is this kind of technology going to save up for the companies willing to "keep an eye on the public".

(1 comment, 166 words in story) Full Story

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[- Discordia's darker soul
By joerabie, Section discordia home improvement
Posted on Sat Oct 4th, 2003 at 09:07:32 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Behind Discordia lurks a darker shadow, that only by trading glances that might pierce its hidden eyes, will we be allowed to invite it into our homes in order to domesticate it. Otherwise, it lurks in the dark outside and howls into our sleep. What I'm talking about is Dementia, and the utter relief of its antidote, Clemencia,...

(149 words in story) Full Story

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¿Somos Productos o Somos Productores? Weshakelakatun ichiÑ? Ngueñ WeshakeluinchiÑ? (1 comments)
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Google and American Torture of Iraqi Prisoners (3 comments)

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Joe Blogs goes to see the Queen (5 comments)

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