Information InFiltration. Art, dissent, tech culture and more - in our special dance mix.

front page???E.A.Dobbsreview-a-rama

secret room upstairsFilterItYourselfwhatever
Lara Croft | 3 comments
[new] run - jump - turn left - jump - run - shoot ... (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by Aileen on Mon Apr 21st, 2003 at 05:42:51 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

The younger ones thought it was funny and started trying to imitate the dancer, the more mature ones worked very hard at trying to ignore what was going on on the other screen. Why do you ask? How did you imagine they might react?

[ Parent ]

  • reason i asked by amyalexander, 04/23/2003 01:03:03 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME (none / 0)

Lara Croft | 3 comments


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