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What America thinks of the world | 13 comments
[new] information war (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#12)
by ricardomiranda zuniga on Thu Jun 26th, 2003 at 07:16:48 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

for now the tactic that i believe in and have been taking is to inform as much as possible and make sure the information gets out there.

living in new york city, i like to think that here people are unlike the rest of the country, that people in nyc know better and are critical of the bush administration. however a friend recently went to a yankee's game in which the opening pitch was thrown by tommy franks, an accused war criminal in europe, but a celebrated general here in the states. the man received a standing ovation from the sell out crowd at yankee stadium. i could hardly believe this when i heard it.

it is imperative that all the decisions made by this administration be it on the economy, environment, women's rights, war... they must all be illuminated in a critical manner and presented in both the virtual and physical public spheres, because at the moment the main stream media appears to be bought by this administration...

[ Parent ]

  • me too post :-) by amy, 06/27/2003 06:38:49 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME (none / 0)

What America thinks of the world | 13 comments


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