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We would like to invite you to join the e-forum for a World Parliament and global democracy in its 2nd phase (May - September 2003). For details see below, and also at:
Please let us know if you would like to participate by sending a message to: germa@alliance21.org or robineagle@worldcitizen.org.
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This e-forum brought together, between October 2002 and April 2003 * representatives from many of the most important world initiatives for world democracy, as well as many other members of associations and individuals from around the world, up to almost 250 participants.
The qualitatively rich contributions have largely dealt with a great range of issues concerning the need and the strategy for a world democracy, including values and principles; architecture of democratic global governance; the structure and organization of the world parliament; the development and implementation of the international rule of law; the building of strategies for creating a world parliament; and the next steps and phases of the preparatory process. A report of the 1st phase is being prepared and will be published soon.
We would like to invite you to join the e-forum and to support the organizing process in the 2nd phase that is beginning now (May - September 2003). There is a general list, carried in English, French, Spanish, using machine translation only. We are opening lists for other languages, which can become later regional groups for world democracy. Here is the general agenda for all the lists:
- Jun 1/20, a) Introduction of the new participants, b) continuing with the topic of April: next steps for creating a World Parliament, and c) exchange of personal and local activist experiences.
- Jun 20/Jul 15, What a WP Could Achieve and Why It Is Needed, depending of your experiences and interests, or also in the point of view of your culture and traditions.
- Jul 15/Sep 15, Deliberative systems: both for agreeing in the list of discussion and for a definitive world parliament.
- Sep 15/Oct 15, Ethical charter. Elaborating and agreeing as possible on an ethical charter, using, if appropriate, the previously agreed deliberative system.
The quality of the machine translations can make it difficult to read messages written in other languages. We hope to incorporate one or more translators after September. Otherwise, if you would like to participate eventually in an English-only list, please write us about this.
Please let us know if you would like to participate by sending a message to: germa@alliance21.org or robineagle@worldcitizen.org. You can also resend this letter to other persons, groups and lists. For more information go to: http://www.alliance21.org/forums/info/world-parl.
Thank you for your interest,
Rob Wheeler, Germā Pelayo, Arnaud Blin
Facilitators for the WP21 World Parliament for the 21st Century.
* The Foundation for the Progress of Humanity (FPH) has supported the 1st phase of the forum. The financing of future activities will also depend in the future on the support of other foundations, institutions and persons.
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Submitted by Aileen
Posted on Sat Jun 21, 2003 at 2:00 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME