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Communal histories - fact or friction? | 4 comments
[new] who... (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by joerabie on Sun Oct 19th, 2003 at 03:52:27 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Amy, the question that you raise about "who..." is very interesting, and my own empirical experience is that only a small minority of internet users actually participate in forums, mailing lists, chatrooms, and the like. I think that one could probably draw up psychological profiles of users drawn to these various forms of discourse, that would be a useful tool in actually analysing opinions people express, and how they express them.

For example, I am amazed in how I keep on encountering the same people in different lists and forums that I participate in. As if I have a sort of intrinsic profile that sends me to particular places and prevents me from "breaking the circle".

Concerning the collaborative writing of history: perhaps all we have to to is programme a metahistorian that will trawl the web for "facts" relating to a particular subject, then write them up in contradictory fashion.

[ Parent ]

Communal histories - fact or friction? | 4 comments


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