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[new] german crimenology of possibility (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#5)
by GabrielPickard on Wed Oct 8th, 2003 at 03:20:06 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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Thanx for the comment, Geert!

I got it that you don't want to get into too much of a meta-theory about free movement&communication. So it's just a practical link that doesn't need too much explaining, right? But allow me as a (semi)teutoniac to pose a few more concerning the analogy and potentiality:
So does the analogy maybe partially lie in the fact that both issues are about movement and flow in an infrastructure, a medium? Both issues have always been there - of course people have always been migrating, moving and certainly, everyone is communicating - but (i'd just estimate, maybe) in the last 40 years the media/infrastructures have changed and expanded greatly - which makes mobility and communication out to be the most important developments that make people "feel modernity" in their lives. Be they rich or be they poor. (and sorry that i used this "people who haven't used a telephone" metaphor - but i didn't use the buzzphraze digitial divide here..). Whereas i would still contend that there is a minority in world population (nevertheless probably a "vast minority") who are really very greatly concerned with other things - but possibly this is beside the point. No problem with having problems with class-concepts, Geert, i was only interpreting (or "extrapolating") ;-} The rest of the people are mainly "struggling", i would say, and this struggle will also involve these means of modernity - as they fit and are made to fit into their lives. Because, to my mind, the new technological side to the media they migrate and communicate in, is often introduced by the power-(super)structure. (Even the wide spread of TV and Coca-Cola culture can be seen as a colonization via technology of cultural fabric.) And then of course, borders come along.. Which creates problems, struggle and enpowerment (?). But i do not see that "borders" (possibly IP regimes) are being addressed as a problem to everyday lives (there is an equivalent of censorship forming along some national boundaries though.. one should only think of the recent yahoogroups-shutdown in India).

..OK, just one more concerning the gaze deep into the heart of our activists; I might myself feel guilty on that X-ray.. ;-} Yea, well - it does sound a bit blunt and polemic at first. But i do get your point - it is a very basic problem. And an old problem, right? Or are you witnessing a new wave of statism? If it is an old problem, we might think about finding new answers to that home-sweet-home drive. Please, no anarchist-revival preaching... ;-}

cheers, g*

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