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Open source and Peer to Peer (DONT BE SCARED AWAY BY OVERUSED Jargon!) | 2 comments
[new] RE: AgoraXchange (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by ryangriffis on Wed Nov 5th, 2003 at 10:58:45 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

you're collaborating with J.Stevens on this, no - or am i thinking of something else?
anyway, if i'm thinking of the right project, i've been very interested to see where it goes.
i'm interested in how you're thinking of the game space as a space to play out alternatives to the current political situations. how can games provide meaningful interaction on a civic as well as symbolically transformative level? i'm especially interested in how you think the metapet production provided tools for this project.
the title also perks my interest, as i've been interested in how ideas of "public space" have rhetorically shaped definitions of democracy (thinking specifically of R.Deutsche's "agoraphobia").
well, i guess i have more questions than feedback...
hope it's worth something :)

Open source and Peer to Peer (DONT BE SCARED AWAY BY OVERUSED Jargon!) | 2 comments


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