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The other side of San Diego - and other islands | 2 comments
[new] How separate are the different "sides"? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by Aileen on Mon Apr 21st, 2003 at 05:31:44 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Although I usually have the impression that alternative media are aware of mainstream media, the reverse doesn't often appear to be true. If that is the case, is the psychological reassurance that there are "unwashed masses of dissenters out on the street" sufficient, or does that just lead to the formation of different "camps"?
For years I have been having an ongoing debate with my youngest brother about personal bias and perception of the media. My brother is a mechanic in New Mexico, and he experiences again and again that when he goes out for a beer after work with his buddies, no matter how unified the others are in their opinions on current events, my brother can always be sure that he will hear a different interpretation from me in Austria and our brother in England. For this reason, he has become very critical of both mainstream media and alternative media for being just as biased, although in different ways. He claims that a broader choice of media just makes it easier for everyone to find reports that support the opinions they already have, but do not necessarily promote critical thinking or a change in the way people think.

The other side of San Diego - and other islands | 2 comments


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