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Does anyone actually want to be a "cultural worker"? | 9 comments
[new] how does this differ in different countries? (Avg. Score: 2.00 / Raters: 2) (#1)
by amyalexander on Tue Apr 15th, 2003 at 07:47:47 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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i often wonder how this differs between europe and the US, for example. i often wish i'd gotten started in the 'culture industry' earlier - but i knew very little of it growing up in outer philadelphia - except that you couldn't earn a living at things like that.... people had to worry about putting food on the table, not making a dent on culture... especially since one had to take out big loans to pay for higher education, it was very important to study something pragmatic so one didn't wind up in financial ruin. and cultural jobs weren't pragmatic... i don't get the sense that's changed, from my students now... (and i'm still paying off my student loans. :-))

then again, you can't really predict what's pragmatic. i grew up during what turned out to be the late cold war, when computer science jobs were plentiful and CS was considered one of the most practical degrees. (but i didn't get one of those anyway. :-)) then there was a lull in the US tech industry early-mid nineties, followed by dot com boom, followed by the current bust... i'm not sure that means there are now more unemployed programmers than culture workers, but what appears to be pragmatic at one moment certainly isn't at the next...

back to countries: does this differ in europe? europeans at least don't typically pay for higher education, correct? how about asia? a lot of my past and present students come from asian and asian-american backgrounds and seem to have a similar mindset towards pragmatism, but that may be a skewed demographic (students in california or who have decided to attend school there.)

Does anyone actually want to be a "cultural worker"? | 9 comments


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