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Does anyone actually want to be a "cultural worker"? | 9 comments
[new] connotations (Avg. Score: 2.00 / Raters: 1) (#7)
by amy on Thu May 1st, 2003 at 02:39:17 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

yeah, very few terms have negative connotations for me actually. i think too much gets made of terminology sometimes... all terms are imperfect; language is imperfect, but once we acknowledge that, we can use it anyway for what it's worth. (interestingly, the same can be said for babelfish, hmm... :-) )

that said, some terms are more imperfect than others. that's why the minor infractions concern me: they can distract from the problems created by the major ones - terms that reshape something into a context it was never intended to be in. in those cases, i think bad terminology does become a serious problem.

so, does 'cultural worker' put something into the wrong context? to me, no, not at its most basic level. the word 'worker' does seem to carry some kind of weird marxist baggage with it or something, but it doesn't strike me as a 'major infractor.'

btw, as for 'culture industry' - i was using that term ironically. that one has connotations of the commercial entertainment industry, but i was also using it to at the same time jokingly refer to the fact that whatever it is that most of 'us' do functions in some ways like a commercial industry.

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-- Discordia is nice.
# end amy's sig

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Does anyone actually want to be a "cultural worker"? | 9 comments


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