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Does anyone actually want to be a "cultural worker"? | 9 comments
[new] Different perceptions? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#4)
by Aileen on Tue Apr 29th, 2003 at 09:12:25 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Am I interpreting you both correctly, when it seems that "cultural worker" / "culture industry" does not have a negative connotation for Amy, but it does for Saul? At a panel discussion in conjunction with the presentation of the reader on the series "Establish Cultural Worker", a union representative pointed out that phrases in English are most commonly used in Austria to disguise something that would otherwise be more critically questioned, but I think that is actually one of the reasons why the term "cultural worker" so often has a negative connotation here. The union representative claimed that when there is mention of "cultural workers", it is usually really a case of an "Americanization" of working situations, which he obviously regarded as a highly negative development. One suggestion that came up in the discussion was that the term "work" needs to be more politicized, but more people thought that it is "culture" that should be more politicized.

  • connotations by amy, 05/01/2003 02:39:17 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME (2.00 / 1)

Does anyone actually want to be a "cultural worker"? | 9 comments


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