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[new] rite-aid and transparency (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#8)
by amyalexander on Mon Apr 28th, 2003 at 07:55:24 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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curious, what would rite-aid have done if you didn't sign the privacy agreement? would they just refuse to fill your prescription? do you get anything in return for signing it?

it wasn't a privacy agreement, it was just an acknowledgment that i had been given 2 pamphlets: rite-aid's notice of privacy practices, and a pamphlet about state laws that are more stringent than federal privacy laws.

so this is a little like a EULA (software end user license agreement.) it's too long and arcane for most people to read and understand. and if you don't agree with what you do understand, there's nothing you can do about it, except to try to drum up public pressure to get the laws changed.

but, this ties back in to trebor's original reference to the importance of "transparency." by giving out these largely useless pamphlets, rite-aid can claim transparency. i get even more obscure "privacy disclosures" in the mail all the time from health insurance co's, credit card co's, etc. this doesn't make my privacy any less invaded. i'm not sure what stalder and hirsh actually said about the need for transparency, but it seems to me that, ironically, transparency is often used as a smokescreen.

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