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[new] Self-Help, Prozac and the IMF (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by TreborScholz on Mon May 5th, 2003 at 02:05:19 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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Your bringing together of the history of self-help, psychopharmaceutical products, and the assembly line is interesting especially as you also include references to the protests in front of Ford's factory.
Today, self-help is well and alive, Prozac became for many a recreational drug, and the cubicles you refer to have much resemblance to the assembly line.

The bicycle may lean against the cubicle and everybody may look cool and happy in the office but surveillance in the workplace is tremendous and workers are not less exploited. One of the Inaugural Discordians could not go to the Discordia site because her employer had installed SuperScout on employees' computers allowing access only to certain sites online.
Andrew Ross in "No-Collar" talks about the Jobs In Candyland, jobs in startups at the height of the dot.bomb period. Workers experienced a non-hierarchical, well-paying creative environment and are now, that those jobs are gone, in search for them. They demand the work conditions they now know can be realized.

You mention the shift of US corporate production to underdeveloped countries. In your film would a link between Eli Lilly and Company, the producer of Prozac and sequences of the IMF and the democratic globalization movement make sense?
If these drugs and self-help really have much of a presence in underdeveloped countries: somebody else on Discordia will have to answer that...
_/ _/ _/


Perseverance ? | 1 comments


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