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I'd Like to teach the World to Sing (via New Media Conference #5,844) | 5 comments
[new] Who do you want to buy a Coke for? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by amy on Fri May 23rd, 2003 at 07:54:54 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

And then complaining about the difficulties of "new media", of collaboration with other artists, about acceptance in the larger art world? How would these things be easy? We haven't yet offered them a Coke.

Great point, Rachel! But why stop at the "larger art world"? Why not think about culture at large? Lots of new media artists are already doing this: making projects that engage people outside of an "art audience" - sometimes without even framing them as art at all. Natalie's Metapet would be an example of a recent project which was designed as an "art" project but also with the explicit intent of drawing people in from outside the "art world." The internet is a public place, it provides an excellent setting for such activity. Another example is software art: it's often made by people who don't consider themselves artists or new-media-artists at all (programmers, etc.) Part of what we try to do at runme (sorry for plug :-) ) is to acknowledge and bring together software art's two geneaologies (software culture and art culture.)

Then, there's also tactical media: stuff like and the yesmen to grab some overly-easy examples - which explicitly aren't about "art" or "new media art" at all, and wouldn't really work if they were.... but can and of course have been framed as such.

But of course, these are also issues of Discordia itself, which is an explicit attempt to encourage sometimes fragmented but related cultures (art, theory, politics, tech culture) to work more with their overlaps than with their differences...

Of course, more can be done in all these areas: the question is, "who do you want to buy a coke for?" (woops, i mean, "who do you want to squeeze an organic orange juice for?" :-) )

# begin amy's sig
-- Discordia is nice.
# end amy's sig

I'd Like to teach the World to Sing (via New Media Conference #5,844) | 5 comments


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