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I'd Like to teach the World to Sing (via New Media Conference #5,844) | 5 comments
[new] Defining what for whom? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by Aileen on Sat May 24th, 2003 at 09:54:27 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Why are we so concerned with defining ourselves to ourselves? Developing an identity for our identity within our identity. Beating to death what exactly we mean when we say "new media".

It seems to me that this question also has something to do with what I was wondering about in the question I just posted (now waiting to be voted onto the site - hint, hint), and I think Amy has a good point about not stopping with "the larger art world". I don't think "new media conferences" are pointless, although that may be because I still enjoy going to them, since I don't get to go to very many. I think it does make a difference to be able to meet other people, hear about other work that is being done, ideas that are changing - and noticing which terms have been worn out, as Peter pointed out in his comment. But I am also interested in where the intersections are with other areas; at which point is it important for "expert discourse" to interact with "the general public"? Is that important?

I'd Like to teach the World to Sing (via New Media Conference #5,844) | 5 comments


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