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Who is faking it: artists or activists, or both? | 11 comments
[new] Art, Activism, Platforms (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#5)
by TreborScholz on Tue May 6th, 2003 at 02:04:56 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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I agree with you, Aileen, and the artworld is mostly the realm in which I work also. The problem of actual social engagement is a valid request that Holmes makes in relation to artists who use politics to surf a career wave. But what about poetry, and art history? Visitors to a museum often come with a backpack full of such expectations. And I often wish for a stronger cross-pollination between an art activist agenda and an aesthetic one. As a teenager I read a lot of Mayakovsky (.pdf). I never forgot his poems since, I carry them in my memory. I wish for a piece of protest art that has that power. Does not the agenda often override the way in which things are iterated. In reference to Holmes I felt his desire for a very particular political practice a la Ne Pas Plier too narrowly defined.
_/ _/ _/
[ Parent ]

Who is faking it: artists or activists, or both? | 11 comments


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