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Collaboration and 'then some' /or/ Get me out of the 19thC | 1 comments
[new] you say tomato, and i say, tofu (Avg. Score: 1.00 / Raters: 1) (#1)
by amy on Sat May 10th, 2003 at 11:38:50 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

interesting post, mathew, and i mostly agree... but, i'm not sure i followed the contrast between your focus on the "new" and collaborative practices? or did you just mean, your focus on your individual gesture happened to be mostly about "new"-ness?

it seems to me that with the "new", collaboration is almost a foregone conclusion. software communities such as weblogs would be one example: this system only works with a bunch of people. (although there are personal weblogs too, i don't refer to them - they're a different animal than the user-contributed/peer-moderated thingees like this one.) of course not everything "new" is as overtly collaborative - but seems to be a tendency at least.

moving back a little less "new", filmmaking is also usually collaborative.

then again, there's arguable situations like a sculptor who hires people to do the actual building of the sculpture.

ironically, i might argue that what sometimes gets lost is the individual gesture. for example in digital media artmaking, there's a tendency to think of the actual production as mechanical. my work usually finds me programmming some amorphous thing, experimenting with and tweaking different algorithms to see how the system responds to me and i respond to it, til finally it seems right, in a way i couldn't have quite imagined when i started, and couldn't possibly have assigned to someone else to write.

at times, my body almost spontaneously emits tchaikovsky. :-)

# begin amy's sig
-- Discordia is nice.
# end amy's sig


Collaboration and 'then some' /or/ Get me out of the 19thC | 1 comments


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