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Protest Bush TODAY | 4 comments
[new] Bush protest (Avg. Score: 3.00 / Raters: 1) (#2)
by ricardomiranda zuniga on Tue Jun 24th, 2003 at 05:40:06 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

hi amy,
i don't believe that such protest have a political outcome, particularly when Bush is estimated to pick up 5 million dollars in one evening's visit to nyc. however, i still value the purpose of protesting, as i value any type of human gathering that may lead to discourse. Honestly, I went to document the protest for a personal project and also as a bit of a catharsis as an individual who feels absolutely powerless as a citizen of the United States of America. It may be a mute catharsis, but I enjoyed gathering with people who feel equally frustrated, perhaps these protests are merely a means to vent, but I believe it had more value than a number of other things i may have done with those couple of hours.
You ask how can we make the protest something that does have an effect, it's a difficult question when we are up against a simple-minded billionare who looks to warfare as a solution and who may very well buy his next four years to the presidency, considering how early he is gathering the money. Perhaps the only means to an effect is through violence.

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Protest Bush TODAY | 4 comments


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