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Making books and meeting deadlines | 10 comments
[new] Defining "urgent" (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#4)
by Aileen on Wed Jul 16th, 2003 at 11:08:06 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

That is funny, Astrid, that you sometimes have the same impression "nobody meets the deadline except me" - but you might be right that a deadline doesn't look so urgent in the beginning, but gets more urgent farther down the line, for example when it is my turn or yours.
And the date when everything has to go to the printer seems to be the only absolute. Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to have that much power.
But are deadlines really necessary at all? It used to be a goal to have exhibition catalogues finished in time for the opening of the relevant exhibition, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. If a publication has to be finished by a certain date, does that mean that no one will bother reading it after that date? If so, maybe not paying too much attention to deadlines is a sign of quality - if it is still worth doing it late, then it is clearly worth doing it. Somehow that idea doesn't feel quite right though.

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Making books and meeting deadlines | 10 comments


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