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Cyborg Liberation? | 6 comments
[new] Transhumanist Association (Avg. Score: 3.00 / Raters: 1) (#1)
by Timothy Jaeger on Thu Aug 7th, 2003 at 12:32:22 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Geert, all,

This seems to be the same type of post/trans-humanism that the Wired crowd espoused so much during the 90s (and I only caught the late cusp of that)...The links to some of the projects associated with the conference, like the PRIMO posthuman futurist body

PRIMO seem to be more in line with what Koolhaas is trying to achieve with the PRADA aesthetic/stores and making a quick buck on the path to "Spaceship Earth" than any trans-humanism that might be remotely usable and valuable to a great number of people.

I think the view that the Institute for Applied Autonomy delivers is more in-line with the "reality" of what is happening at these conferences: much of this stuff is going to go to use in our military-industrial police state rather than just be altruistically turned over to the private sector.

Some of the thoughts about turning over our future to smarter cyborgs sounds equally foolish. Like in any tech-industry, servicing faulty machines is big business, and computers and "advances" in technology, especially these trans/cyber-human advances, are going to need META-BRAIN repair centers...the only thing is, considering that funding for education in the USA is being cut drastically by the Bush Administration in favor of funds for wars (oops, we're running on a deficit here..), the only people that will be able to afford such luxuries as Designer Bodies will be the ultra-wealthy.

-Tim Jaeger

Cyborg Liberation? | 6 comments


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