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[new] Interpassivity - too many words (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#5)
by Aileen on Tue Sep 30th, 2003 at 12:45:59 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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Robert Pfaller's favorite example for explaining his concept of "interpassivity" (Robert Pfaller, Interpassivität: Studien über delegiertes Genießen, Springer 2000) is the video recorder that watches films for us that we don't have time to watch. He also mentions Douglas Adams' figure of the electric monk, which was invented to believe in things that people don't have time to believe in. That one works for me: I have an "electric monk" installed as a user on my computer, whose sole function is to subscribe to mailing lists that I would like to know about, but not too closely.
On the other hand, that means that when I periodically check to see what the electric monk is believing these days, I am only distantly, passively consuming what is posted to all these lists (for whatever it's worth) without contributing anything. Sometimes there are ideas that seem to be worth believing - or at least thinking about, and sometimes I have the feeling that I have collected so many interesting ideas - from lists and websites and the books stacked up next to my bed and all the texts that go in and out of my computer - that I think I need to "do something" with them.
But do what, when there are so many words already?
So I keep waiting and watching to see if someone else may find just the right few words to make a difference. Can words make a difference, actually change something that needs changing?

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