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[new] former reticent poster comment (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by JenniferNigg on Thu Nov 20th, 2003 at 06:39:30 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Straight from the new user account. With my real name. (I had to be adviced. Since I am an impatient user I do not read carefully.) Affirmation. Yes it is me, and yes I want to.

This has been as easy as everywhere else. Do the Login, choose a name, get a password (eventually change it, memorise it) and: be part of it.

Maybe I never post (ok, this is not true for this time). I just read, from time to time. Or scan, from time to time. Sometimes the elapsing time makes it more likely that I think, I want to say something too. Depends on the site, the topics, the postings, the colours, the atmosphere, my mood, the fatigue of my eyes. Depends on my decision on a day.

It might be a "Pixel"-Day when I do love my eyes, my brain, my feeling, my being as a fellow man to be split, fragmented, partial, inconsistent because I think of it as a right of existence, freedom, agility (or mix it up with longings for something like that). It might be a "Narration"-Day when I do like to read looong essays and bulky books. It might be any other day and still I do not post.

Want to know why? Want to change your colour, your style, your logo, the melody of your answering machine (which is unfortunately not included in this site) in order to gain my confidence and participation? To make me - the tacitly user - to speak more often (actually to write more often)?

However I would not speak (or write). My participation is that of an undercover user. And my influence is strong enough, even underestimated, since I vote in another than an apparently way. And I am happy to be part of the community too. Thanks for your hospitality.

However I wrote. Because the colours are great and the babelfilter is funny, because exploration is suggested and there is a lot to read, because there seems to be lot of commitment, also some needs of agreement, contradictions, information, opinions, divinity.

Well, thanks so far.

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