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Designer Dick | 10 comments
[new] Orgasmic Spam? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#7)
by JanetOwen on Sun Nov 30th, 2003 at 10:13:19 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Spam as a tool for sexual liberation? How about spam as a tool for sex?

UK artist Lucy Kimbell's project V-I-P 'is 'the next generation in sexy toys', a 'Vibrating Internal Pager' that users can wear whilst performing their daily routines in public. The user can choose to either have a private number, accessible only to approved partners, or a public number for their pager, but either way the user gives themselves up to the possibility of receiving a 'pleasurable diversion' at anytime, anywhere, and possibly from anyone.'

Just think of the possibilities, all those irritating un-free-holiday-offering calls could turn into a pleasure-trip after all. Better still if the device gets wired for email and bursts into life with every addition to the in box!

[ Parent ]

Designer Dick | 10 comments


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