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[new] agreed, but (Avg. Score: 3.00 / Raters: 1) (#6)
by amyalexander on Sun Apr 27th, 2003 at 09:31:23 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

yes, it matters that trebor's post started off by referring to a hoax message. but, the rest of his post was about valid issues (delta, etc.) and then goes into the general discussion of privacy and transparency - so i wouldn't want to see the whole discussion dismissed because of the introductory hoax reference.

anyway, it's a good point that there are a lot of misleading hoaxes that distract from the real issues. but my "does it matter" referred to the fact that *this particular hoax* is so close to what's really true that it's not much of a hoax...

last night when picking up my Rx at Rite-Aid pharmacy (which I've had my own privacy arguments with because they telemarket my refills to me) i was asked to sign for a privacy information pamphlet. the pamphlet reassured me that in california, there are more stringent privacy restrictions than federal law requires. but, among others, my employer can find out what prescriptions i am taking (because they are paying for my health insurance.) it went on for several pages of legalese which i dozed off trying to finish... so much for transparency - at least now i can rest easy knowing my employers can find out my medical info and there's nothing i can do about it....

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