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[new] what is the alternative? (Avg. Score: 2.00 / Raters: 1) (#9)
by petertraub on Wed Apr 30th, 2003 at 06:16:46 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

i agree, most privacy statements are actually smokescreens, and a lot of them, if you read them really carefully, actually tell you how little privacy you really have.

i guess the bigger question is, what is the alternative? the US is an extremely litigious society, so corporations have to have policies like these worked out down to painful legalese in order to avoid lawsuits, loopholes, etc. on the other hand, they also use such techniques to screw people out of their privacy by creating the 'smokescreen' and filling the documents with various caveats and loopholes that let them abuse your privacy by obfuscating what they're really going to do with your personal data. but how do you get around it? to have a simpler 'see jane run' kind of statement would either leave them open to all sorts of legal action, or it would leave out important details. perhaps they should be forced to have 'legal' and 'plainspeak' versions of privacy statements....

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