Information InFiltration. Blended mediacultural ingredients that stay crunchy in milk.

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don't be shy! | 9 comments
[new] rating wishes (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#9)
by Aileen on Fri May 30th, 2003 at 03:03:40 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Have you checked the "Wish List" for thoughts about ratings? This is one of the features that doesn't scale down well, but as Discordia grows and more people have more comments, it will probably become more important to be able to signal to other people "Read this!" and look for other people's signals about what to read - something that could be interesting to discuss, for whatever reason, rather than a passing comment.

[ Parent ]


don't be shy! | 9 comments


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