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[new] junkies and withdrawal (Avg. Score: 3.00 / Raters: 1) (#2)
by amy on Sun May 4th, 2003 at 11:52:56 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

yep, i sense a connection. :-)

recently some people were telling me (and i think discordia.saul was there actually too) - that they like for war coverage, because they showed raw video footage of the war, without editing and commentary, and it gave them a much different perspsective.

however, of course there's a process of selection even in "raw/unedited" footage - someone has selected what to show and what not to show. is footage like this more accurate or more dangerous than the traditional stuff with footballesque-commentary? (dangerous because it's more easily mistaken for "truth" - that elusive thing... )

a long time ago (1995), in a galaxy far far away, when i was an arty grad student, i made an interactive installation about how "documentary" media are whatever you want to see, pretty pictures essentially equating to rationalization - and sometimes they just dissolve into abstraction.

i'm less overtly arty about things nowadays :-) ... but still, i think the gyst applies...

# begin amy's sig
-- Discordia is nice.
# end amy's sig

[ Parent ]

On Convenience | 5 comments


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