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Making books and meeting deadlines | 10 comments
[new] how it works (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#5)
by Aileen on Wed Jul 16th, 2003 at 11:22:33 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
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you mentioned email, aileen ... are the time-challenged authors in question emailing you their texts?

Are you suggesting there might be a different way to do it? I still think ftp would probably be more efficient than sending e-mail attachments back and forth, but somehow that didn't really catch on - at least not among the people I work with.
I wouldn't say that just the authors are "time-challenged", though. I think it is a far more widespread problem. I'm not sure about the feeling of being disembodied, either, since I often end up exchanging texts and comments about texts with people at odd hours, when it is clear that we are all still working in our respective geographical locations. There are times when I think it would be good to be able to say, let's just stop this now and go for a drink, but that doesn't work if we are not even in the same country.

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Making books and meeting deadlines | 10 comments


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