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[new] conference formats crossfade (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by Anonymous Stranger on Mon Sep 1st, 2003 at 04:04:21 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME

in republicart we tried to put up a combination of three kinds of discoursive events: workshops (the closed format: three days, 15-20 persons
with 20-30 minutes inputs, much time to discuss, also strategic questions, texts of the participants finished after the workshops), symposia (open to the public, but rather narrow questions between art production and theory,
mostly lectures and moderated talks), conferences (open to the public, on broad themes, mostly combining themes of the art discourse with cultural politics).
some of my experiences:
- maybe also because of my theory backgrounds, i have to defend the lecture/one-to-many format if it is well settled within a range of possibilities to
discuss broadly: complex concepts and topics sometimes need time to be developped.
- communication in mailinglists before the event (weeks or months before) are good for technical and methodological, sometimes also for strategic
questions of coherent groups, but not for theroetical debates of people who get to know themselves only afterwards. there seems to be a need for direct communication and drinking a beer before starting the tough arguments.
- publications (both online and print) are to be carefully planned. the best version for me (like in our workshops) is two separated tasks for
participants: short inputs and discussion during the event, then writing texts (or painting pictures :)). that of course also needs to be paid.
- in some ways there is a tendency in art conference business to be "all inclusive". i like these conferences like make world or park fiction's unlikely encounters in urban space or, mixing people from all over the world and from the utmost different contexts.
but when you try to embrace the world by organizing a conference, you also have to make sure that there are formats for strong focusses in the debates, otherwise it is nothing more than affirmative talks about god and the world... and constituent practices.

New faces (and formats) rule!? | 7 comments


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