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[- Discordia celebrates ...
By DiscordiaCollective, Section editors' corner
Posted on Thu Oct 28th, 2004 at 05:38:47 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
Samhain / Halloween / Dias de los Muertos / Allerheiligen ...

Take your pick and come by from October 29 to November 3 to leave an epitaph, parting wishes, wise thoughts and witty words as Discordia prepares to depart for the netherworld, the other side, perpetual archivization and/or possible future reincarnations.

-Discordia Collective


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Discordia celebrates ... | 7 comments
[new] Bye! (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#8)
by SophiaRawlinson on Wed Nov 3rd, 2004 at 01:26:15 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Goodbye Discordia & many thanks to all who participated in the few discussions I took part in here - I shall miss you!

[new] Alas poor Discordia, (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#5)
by pdboddy on Mon Nov 1st, 2004 at 08:08:31 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

We knew you well.
If we are what we eat,
I'm cheap, fast and easy.

[new] waving (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#4)
by GabrielPickard on Mon Nov 1st, 2004 at 08:43:17 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

goodbye discordia! good karma to all reincarnations.
looking forward to seeing you in other lives,
yours, gabe

[new] Discordia, i hardly knew thee... (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#3)
by ryangriffis on Mon Nov 1st, 2004 at 08:13:19 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

i wish i had participated more. despite my initial excitement, and many great reads and short conversations, my attentions were called elsewhere.
but i will look for the spirits i have met here beyond this world and in the next.
take care,

[new] hasta la vista (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#2)
by amy on Sat Oct 30th, 2004 at 10:51:49 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

hasta la vista, discordia! i don't have much profound to say, but we'll miss you, ya little bloggy-thing... actually since aileen brought up autolinker, i think i'm gonna miss that especially. after we thought up that feature it started appearing on commercial websites to cross-market advertisers' products. but i kind of like using it to browse strangely, superficially, or nonsensically-related non-fiction content more.

oh yeah, i'll miss discordia debabelfished too!

thanks for the fish,

# begin amy's sig
-- Discordia is nice.
# end amy's sig

[new] Pieces (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by Aileen on Sat Oct 30th, 2004 at 08:05:12 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

Drifting through past posts to Discordia with the autolinker I found fragments, remnants, pieces of conversations that would be worth continuing - and some that have already been continued elsewhere.

There is no need to save all the pieces, I think. I can't imagine that they will get lost. And I look forward to stumbling across them again in other places, other contexts, other voices or the same ones, but I am also glad there has been a place to put them for a little while.

Discordia celebrates ... | 7 comments

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