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Gott soll in die Verfassung? Wer, wenn nicht er? Oder wie? | 9 comments
[new] Is our babelfilter gender-biased? (Avg. Score: none / Raters: 0) (#1)
by Aileen on Tue Jun 24th, 2003 at 05:04:23 PM EURODISCORDIA TIME
(User Info)

When I checked the babelfiltered English translation of this wonderful text, I was rather surprised to see that the babelfilter recognizes gods but not goddesses (and by the way, this flyer that Astrid found is not from an association of meadows, but rather from a group calling itself the "Central Council of European Pagans").
But by all means, if there is to be a mention of god (i.e. in the exclusionary Christian sense) in the European constitution or any other constitution, then goddesses and any other non-anthropomorphized deities should be included, too - along with all the other irrational beliefs that achieve the status of governmental program. "The economy needs it," seems to be one such frequently chanted mantra, but it is amazing how garbled and nonsensical the explanation can be, if you ask people what that means or why they believe it.

Gott soll in die Verfassung? Wer, wenn nicht er? Oder wie? | 9 comments


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